The flowing, fast moving water of a river is far less likely to contain impurities than trapped water that pools in swamps and hollows. Standing water is an incubator for bacteria, and it’s often contaminated, unsafe to drink, and a breeding ground of mosquitoes. When feelings are allowed to flow through the body, they too are saf e because they do not poison or destroy the container that conveys it. Like trapped water when our emotional life is blocked, put off by distractions and the busyness of life, it becomes tox ic. When pressure builds over time, it seeks out other routes, and the blocked energy eventually floods, spreading all that has developed in this damaging state. Once w e open to our feelings as they arise, we create the causes and conditions of mental and physical health. This is what acceptance based, inner awareness entails. Because it’s so vital to our ...
info related to: dharma punx, buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, vipassana, neuroscience, dharma, karma, theravada buddhism, josh korda, against the stream, noah levine,