the addict alcoholic's mind is comprised of mutually reinforcing outlooks that create stress: — a view of oneself as being profoundly unique and different from all others in the univers e; the addict/alcoholic believes his/her thoughts cannot be understood —this results in what the buddha termed papancha , or self obsessed thought: what do others think of me? — The alcoholic takes everything personally , considering himself a victim, conspiracies — feels "uncomfortable in his own skin," three fold disease alcohol and drugs are stress responses. — he's rendered so stressed, that his search is invariably for an external, magic bullet, solution. —damn the long term consequences. — drugs and alcohol work at first, relieving the mental agitation and stress , but in the long term one develops a tolerance — the addict/alcoholic doesn't believe other solutions exist the problem with the false solutions—drugs, drink, etc: —external solutions, don't address t...
info related to: dharma punx, buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, vipassana, neuroscience, dharma, karma, theravada buddhism, josh korda, against the stream, noah levine,