We don't get to nibbana and the end of suffering until we reach the end of the world Our desire to "figure out the world and life" stems from a craving for immediate security, immediate control, immediate avoidance of any discomfort. —The conceptual, linguistic, literal mind wants to figure it all out so that we can live without loss or discomfort. —The left hemisphere is the source of so much of our optimism and sense of control. We cobble together maps of the world, people, life, from a vast array of second hand sources, “common sense,” which point us towards external, short term happiness. —“Work hard and you can accomplish anything." “Absence makes the heart grow stronger.” Not always true. —Views are simplistic, reductionist,subject to examples that break the rules A feeling of control and power that derives from believing we've got it all sussed, rather than our mind is just filled with a bunch of second hand ideas that help us some of the time ....
info related to: dharma punx, buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, vipassana, neuroscience, dharma, karma, theravada buddhism, josh korda, against the stream, noah levine,