Grasping: in a consumer culture, bombarded by marketing, with the basic message being: " you need this to be ____ safe, happy, loved, etc " —we're bathed in an overriding meme, that there's something that must be gathered in, grasped, attained and clung to if we're to be achieve any lasting peace. —its not just in our advertisements, it lurks in the messages we receive from institutions, chasing diplomas, commendations, linkedIn recommendations, clean bills of health, etc. this movement can easily be brought into our spiritual lives as well… we want to gather in some special insights and tools to find lasting peace —its no wonder that so much of spiritual literature and courses do so well —what we learn: i pay to be given something that i'm missing to get me where i can find happiness inherent in grasping and gathering and clinging are at least four important, unconscious events: 1) there's a putting off into the future of inner peace; a sense t...
info related to: dharma punx, buddhism, meditation, mindfulness, vipassana, neuroscience, dharma, karma, theravada buddhism, josh korda, against the stream, noah levine,